1:1 Online Coaching
You’re here because you’re ready to move beyond cookie cutter templates and get the support you need to become that hot, healthy betch..
..who owns the room.
You’ll work with your coach to reach your goals through strength training, flexible nutrition, and mindset coaching.
What you’ll get:
Personalized nutrition plan (flexible dieting style — yes, that means you can eat bagels and order the fries)
Personalized training program suited for your schedule, equipment, fitness level, and goals. Want to hold a handstand? Get your first chin-up? Get a squat PR? We fuckin’ gotchuuuuuu.
Weekly check-ins with your personal coach - this is where we answer questions, help you with habit formation, teach you about your health & fitness, and make adjustments so that you keep coasting through your goals and never slip through the cracks.
Private Whatsapp access to your coach 24/6 for extra accountability and support when you need it.
Access to our badass community including weekly group Zoom calls for a bit more face time and education.
Resources that you can keep for life like our recipe books, flexible dieting guide, metabolism bootcamp webinar, AND our client portal where we have mini-trainings on things like “how to meal prep”, “ditching negative self-talk”, and “building your own workout program” among dozens of others.
A transformation that will teach you not only how to get results, but how to maintain them for life.
Coaching is for you if…
You're tired of cookie-cutter approaches that don't move you towards your goals.
You are a chronic dieter and feel like you can’t eat more and get results.
Feel like you're working your ass off in your workouts but still don’t feel like you see much muscle definition.
You know that in order to see your goals through, you need a solid plan and support to help you through the mental masturbation of “am I doing the right things?”.
BONUS POINTS: You love coffee, dogs, innuendos, deep conversations, and days spent snuggling in a blanket.
And you’re ready to…
Finally ditch the diets and find a way that you can do this for life.
Learn how to strength train (or get even stroooonger!) and feel like a strong baddie in the gym.
Know how to get and maintain the body you’ve always dreamed of.
Be able to do cool shit and feel capable with whatever life throws at you —do a handstand, win a chin-up competition, hike a mountain, pick up your kids without throwing out your back.
Stop obsessing with the scale, feel less stressed around food, and understand how to train properly.